- Multi-option distributed computing solutions for super-resolution imaging

The MUSICAL technology

MUSICAL is an imaging software that makes super-resolution optical microscopy available to specialized labs and clinics as a high-end premium GPU or embedded solution, or to laymans with their own personal microscopy data through a budget-conscious cloud solution.

The technology can be applied to both super-resolution microscopy raw data as well as data generated by conventional low-cost microscopes. The key advantage it provides is not needing any calibration in illumination engineered microscopes or special dyes for achieving super-resolution.

MUSICAL processing method to exploit the high spatial frequencies of illumination pattern to generate super-resolved image. In other words, processing super-resolution images from microscopes at an immense speed.

The MUSICAL solutions

  • Cloud solution (Beta stage)

Lightweight software for super-resolution imaging tailored to low-cost microscopes.

  • GPU solution (under development)

Plug-and-play dongle providing state-of-the-art imaging with an additional edge in processing time

  • Embedded solution (to be developed)

MUSICAL as a built-in hardware solution with the microscope. Unlocking it’s full imaging capabilities

Opportunities for collaboration

  • Licensees for MUSICAL cloud solution
  • Collaborative R&D with industrial partner for MUSICAL GPU or MUSICAL Embedded solution
  • Patent pending
As compared to diffraction-limited image on the left, MUSICAL reconstructs the cristae (i.e., the empty spaces between the outer and inner membranes of mitochondria) with amazing number of details using only 100 images of diffraction-limited video.

Collaboration partners

Contact information

Foto: Marius Fiskum

Lars Sørensen

Business Developer | Tech Transfer

Tel. 942 45 511

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