Instant volume microscopy

The SOLIS Microscope

A new type of fluorescence microscope that combines the best aspects of confocal with light-sheet microscopy. SOLIS efficiently removes parasitic light from out-of-focus planes that would bleed through between adjacent focal planes and degrade image contrast.

SOLIS is posed to fill this technology gap between methods that offer the required speed and gentleness on the one hand, and usability and resolution on the other. A prototype has been successfully demonstrated and the technology has patent pending.

Value proposition

Being able to observe these tiny, yet fast, cell constituents in their natural environment would provide completely new insights into cellular function and potential starting points for cures of a whole range of diseases.

Opportunities for Collaboration

  • We are currently looking for commercial partners for licensing of the technology.
Illustration of the SOLIS microscope. (a) Depicted in purple is the scanned oblique light-sheet path; green is the detection path over a multi-plane optical element onto a synchronized rolling shutter camera that consolidates the light paths through the sample volume, instantly producing a high-resolution volumetric image without parasitic light. (b) Conventional widefield and SOLIS images of mitochondria within human heart tissue. Virtually all parasitic out-of-focus light is removed by SOLIS and all z-planes were acquired simultaneously within 100 ms. Depth is color coded.

Contact information

Foto: Marius Fiskum

Lars Sørensen

Business Developer | Tech Transfer
Tel. 942 45 511

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